Sometimes, removing a mature tree can enhance curb appeal
It’s important to make a good first impression, especially when trying to sell a house. Curb appeal can be what nudges people to take a closer look at a property or drives them away. While many people appreciate the beauty of large, mature trees, Spillane decided to remove the Black Walnut located near the sunroom.
The downfall of this hardy species is that it releases a toxic compound called juglone. It seeps into the soil around the tree, extending to the edge of the tree’s canopy, and it makes the area uninhabitable for a variety of vegetables, annuals, perennials, shrubs, and other types of trees. For people who enjoy gardening, this 75- to 100 year-old black walnut could be viewed as a deterrent to buying the house.
For several weeks, the grass and other vegetation in the yard have been trampled as materials are unloaded and workers move around the property. Now is the right time to bring in heavy equipment and remove the tree, using a cherry-picker and a crane, without worrying about damaging the existing landscape. Several exterior touches still need to be completed before Spillane will turn his attention to the yard.
Because the tree was located directly between Spillane’s property and the next-door neighbors, he talked with them about removing the Black Walnut tree to avoid creating friction. They even agreed to split the cost of the removal. Due to the tree’s size and proximity to the house, a professional tree care service was called in.
Spillane knew the importance of hiring a reputable business that had:
Spillane also requested:
The removal of the Black Walnut tree was a dangerous job. It took a four-man crew a full day, using specialized equipment and techniques, to safely complete it. Spillane knew this portion of the project was out of his skill set, so he didn’t try to do it himself. No matter how tight a budget is during a remodel, the cost of someone’s experience always outweighs what will be paid in fees.
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