The cornerstone of the kitchen
As a 2016 Model ReModel sponsor, Wellborn Cabinet supplied cabinets for the kitchen as well as all three bathrooms, the master closet, laundry room and the garage. After opening and checking the contents of every box, the cabinets were brought to the rooms where they belonged.
Spillane began with the kitchen so he could complete the first floor trim, followed by staining and finishing the first floor. It took two days to install the maple kitchen cabinets, which are painted Dove White, a color chosen from Welbourn’s Color Inspire paint program.
Cabinets are the cornerstone of the kitchen and everything will revolve around them. The raised panels on the cabinet doors are typically seen in more traditional-style kitchens, while the floor-to-ceiling height offers maximum storage. The decorative molding will also help this small kitchen appear larger and add a feeling of luxury.
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