Helpful Hardie

A Model Remodel sponsor meets the work crew

James Hardie Building Products, Inc. is one of the sponsors of the 2016 Model Remodel. They provided Spillane with the siding, trim, soffit, flashing, housewrap, and seam tape used on the house and garage. To ensure the products were installed in accordance with the company’s requirements, which keeps the warranties intact, they sent a team of representative to visit the job site.

Spillane said it was a great experience having the Hardie representatives meet his work crew. They spent time reviewing the installation instructions together and were available to answer any questions. Everyone was focused on the shared goal—making the house water tight.

This was Spillane’s first experience using Hardie products, and he was very impressed by the company’s level of customer service. Last week he appeared in a video discussing the finer points of the siding installation process.

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