A sprayer helps a paint job achieve the perfect finish
Interior painting is a multi-step process that can’t be rushed. For several days, professional painters have prepped the house from top to bottom. They are focused on dust control and protecting everything that should not be painted before any work ensues.
This includes removing door handles, covering floors and protecting all the newly installed cabinets and vanities. They also applied liquid masking tape to the window vinyl casings to keep paint from accidentally sticking to the glass.
The application and use of high-quality materials are the keys to a flawless, painted house. First, the painters will prime all bare wood trim and doors. Then they will apply a first coat of paint, ensure it is smooth, and follow up with another coat. When the trim is complete they will repeat the process on the walls.
Because this is a remodel and the house is empty, the paint is being sprayed on instead of brushed on. This technique is a faster, more efficient method of painting. The finish also will be free of brush and roller marks, and it will be easier to apply paint in nooks and corners.
Paint sprayers can be tricky. The main goal is to watch for drips and avoid a rough finish during the application. This is best accomplished by holding the spray gun about 12 inches from the surface being painted, using even strokes, covering a 3- to 4-foot swath at one time. After completing one swath start on the adjacent one right away to keep from drying. This technique also helps avoid overlap marks.
Merging a few 2016 Benjamin Moore paint trends, Mike Spillane selected the following wall colors in an egg-shell finish from the Benjamin Moore color gallery:
These neutral, layered grays will provide a subtle contrast against the semi-gloss trim painted a White Dove color.
All the interior painting, from prep to finish, is expected to be completed in less than two weeks.
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